Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

07 August 2016

When Life Has Other Plans

I was planning for a productive weekend this weekend. I was excited that my cousin got to come over for dinner Friday night so we could spend some quality time together. He was supposed to work yesterday but got called off work so we got to hang out more, which was nice but he would have rather been able to work so he can get back home to his family. 
However, I am grateful he got called off because that means he was there when my body decided not to cooperate. Around 1pm, my stomach started hurting. Within 15 minutes the pain had increased and moved to my lower right adbomen. It just got increasingly worse, until I was nauseous from the pain. I finally told him I was convinced I had appendicitis but I'm not a nurse so, we started calling our nurse family and friends and there was a general consensus... Go to the hospital and get it checked out. 
So I called my husband who was working and asked him to come home because I needed to go to the ER. My cousin was kind enough to stay with my kids, and my in-laws brought some reinforcements.... We didn't wait very long at the ER to get back, and they did some blood work and ordered a CAT scan. Sitting still made the pain less intense so I asked the doctor if we could skip thenCAT scan, but the bloodwork had come back and my White Blood Cell count was high, which told him there was likely an infection and he needed the CAT scan. It was a good thing, because I was right a few hours earlier... It was definitely appendicitis and they scheduled an emergency surgery right then. 
Surgery went well, and aside from a post-surgery panic attack and some pain, I'm doing ok. 
I've been able to pump milk and send it home with Cedric every couple of hours. I'm finally eating something. Hopefully they'll send me home soon because I miss my babies!!!!!!

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