Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

02 November 2010

Cleaning House

Day 28
End of week 4
Week Weight Loss: 0.9
Total Weight Loss: 11.6 lbs
Week Fat Loss: 3.7
Total Fat Loss: 11 lbs

This weekend was absolutely gorgeous!  The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect... It was life giving... and I felt full of energy... So, naturally, I cleaned... I took my car to Cedric's Wash.  I turned up the volume on my stereo and vacuumed it out and then when I got it home I cleaned up the console... it was pretty nasty!
I opened all the windows in the house and let the animals play outside... the weather energized them too! They love it outside!  I cleaned the kitchen and prepared some meals for the next few days.
Sunday, I got up and went to church for the second Sunday in a row.  After church I came back home... opened up all the windows again... and started going through my closet and my dressers, washing clothes and starting to pull out clothes that already don't fit anymore so I can get rid of them and never go back... I also found a few clothes that haven't fit in a while that I am looking forward to wearing again and replaced my bigger clothes with smaller clothes.  I got all the clothes off the couch in the bedroom and put them in their respective places.... Changed the sheets on the bed and got organized.
I became even more aware of the fact that my house has been a reflection of my insides... when life is chaotic and full of turmoil, so is my house... When I begin to feel more at peace and rested, my house is also a refuge of peace and restfulness. 
As I begin to purge the crap inside of me... physically and emotionally, it carries over to the rest of my life... unfortunately, I still manage to retain excess water... and I have a feeling it would do me some good to identify the parallel process in my emotional life so that maybe I could flush it out too.
0.9 lbs is pretty disappointing if I only pay attention to that... but since I know that I lost 3.7 lbs of fat... and week after week continue to purge the fat... I guess that if I have to retain something, better water than fat!  I can't get rid of it all, so better to hold onto fluidity that passes on its own, than heaviness that requires intentional work to break down and let go!
Here's to another week of cleaning house and home!


  1. Hey Megan- Saw your blog on FB and wanted to pass along a website called Skinny Taste.

    I cook from it several times a week. Everything is super easy and so good. Good luck with your new journey!

  2. I don't know the specifics of your program or anything, but nine pounds sounds pretty dang good to me. Good job!
