Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

09 November 2010


SO... thanks for the skinny thoughts... I weighed in today and... I lost another 5.2 lbs which makes a total loss of 16.8.  It felt so good to have a good week... like its worth it to say no to the fudge brownies and chocolate cake and doughnuts and jars full of candy that are ALWAYS sitting on the kitchen counter at my office... and Fuzzy's cravings after a horrendous 28 hr shift... and late night pizza cravings!

Eggplant alfredo and all you can eat sushi... 
ice cream and lattes and anything that's gooey... 
Pollo con champiñones at Gloria's...   
These are a few of my favorite things... 
(please tell me someone could hear me singing that dancing around my living room like a fool!)

I swear... heaven better be a place where you can eat whatever the hell-O you want to and still stay just the size you want to be!
Glad I got THAT out of my system!
Anyway, I'm feeling good and I don't doubt the hour and a half in the gym Sat probably helped too...
I just hope I can keep losing like this so I can see a drastic change in my body!  However, I did try on a pair of pants yesterday that were two sizes smaller than what I've been wearing and... they fit!  Sometimes I think I can tell a difference in my thighs... which is encouraging... I'm just ready to get rid of this gut! Let me keep whats left of my boobs (for now at least) and let's move on to the rest of my body.  I already need new bras as it is... (sorry for any men who may or may not be reading, if that's too much info).
Ok, I'm done for now!   

Day 35
End of week 5
Week Weight Loss: 5.2
Total Weight Loss: 16.8 lbs
Week Fat Loss: 2.8
Total Fat Loss: 13.8


  1. Yay! You are a hero!! I love you and am so proud of you!!!

  2. Yay for you darling! I went from 208lbs-136lbs in the past year. Losing that 72lbs has been amazing & makes me feel super sexy in front of my wonderful husband. Good luck!!!

    Jessie Taft
