Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

24 October 2010

"I'm Melting"

Day 19

One of my favorite childhood movies is the Wizard of Oz... and of course good triumphs over evil when Dorothy throws a bucket of water on the Wicked Witch of the West and she begins to melt away, screeching, "I'm melting... I'm melting!"  Well... nobody has thrown a bucket of water on me, but I'm drinking so much water, it's a wonder I haven't floated away... and yes, I am also melting... well not me... but the nasty fat that's stored up inside of me... it's melting away and I am beginning to see the me underneath it... several times this week people have told me that they can see it in my face... my face is getting thinner... they can see my cheekbones... some definition... Yes, slowly, but surely, I am uncovering another beautiful part of me... the beautiful part of me that is on the outside, reflecting the beauty within...
Cedric and I went to see his friend's new baby at the hospital and we took pictures... I could see it in my face too, in the pics.
Looking forward to Tuesday when I weigh-in for the end of week 3.  I am pretty confident that I will pass the 10 lb mark.  t would be nice to have a bigger loss this week than the past two... Sort of looking forward to getting exercise back this week... I know that I feel better and have more energy when I work out, but now I don't have an excuse note too... ;-)
I work a 28hr tomorrow so, more on Tuesday afternoon after the weigh in...
Peace out!

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