Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

13 October 2010

Trying to Push Through

Day 8
Loss: 5.7 lbs

So, I fell off the wagon with the blogging, but not with the diet plan.  I weighed in today and while I didn't lose near as much as I'd like, and the stupid machine said it was all water weight, I did lose 5.7 lbs.  The RN said that's normal to lose water weight first while the fat is breaking up, before the body gets rid of it, so I should have a good loss of fat next week.  Not to mention that my body composition dropped too... which they explained is that the machine isn't 100% accurate.  So, I keep on keeping on...
It was a difficult week.  I was hungry but I could tell in my face and by the way my bra fits that I was losing! 
Last night Cedric and I celebrated our 3 yr anniversary together at home.  I cooked turkey patties (170 cal) with a wedge of Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Laughing Cow cheese (35 cal) and had 1/4 c. of Fage plain, fat-free yogurt with a Splenda (w/ 1 g of Fiber) packet for dinner.  I thought it was great... but of course he needed a little more!
As I left Medi last week, I called my doctor's office and left a message asking them to have him call me back because I needed  to discuss getting off one of my Rx so that I could do this plan 100% and by Fri I still hadn't heard from him.  So, Fri I called him on his cell from the hospital and he answered - because he thought I was his daughter, who also works from the hospital - but I explained the situation to him and he said he would fax the letter.  At my appointment today, they notified me that he still hadn't done it... so I went to his office and told them I was sitting in the waiting area to wait for the letter... I also sent him a text saying, I'm here... how can I get it?  Within 10 min I had what I asked for over a week ago.  Anyway, I drove all the way back to Medi, gave them the letter, and got the new Rx.  Hoping that it will help me lose more next week.  After my wild goose chase, I came home and had the most delicious salad... it was amazing!  Looking forward to a celebratory steak dinner this evening at my brother and sister-in-law's!  (Celebrating my approval for Ordination)
Anyway, week one is over... week two, here we go!

BREAKFAST:  EAS AdvantEdge protein shake (110 cal, 17g protein)
LUNCH: "Fajita Salad" (120 cal from protein; 35 cal from veggies)
1/2 c. raw spinach & 1/2 c. raw poblano peppers (25 cal)
3 oz chicken breast (90 cal, 16g protein)
1/4 c. Fage plain, fat free greek yogurt (30 cal, 5g protein) - (perfect sour cream substitute)
2 tbsp salsa (10 cal)