Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

05 October 2010

3..... 2..... 1....

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Today is the last day of my old life… I went to Medi Weight Loss Clinic today.  They took my blood, did an EKG, measured my waist, and put me on this scale that tells you your weight, your BMI, and a bunch of other stuff, but the neatest thing it does is tell you how many lbs of fat you are composed of and how many pounds is water weight, which if you subtract that from your total weight, it also tells you how much the rest of your body weighs… the weight of your body composition of skin, muscles, bones, etc… For as long as I can remember I have been told that my ideal weight is 121-130 and so that is what I believed.  When I did LA Weight Loss I got down to 170 and I hit a plateau.  I was going through so much other stuff at the time that between being “stuck” and being in the worst relationship ever, I gave up and I let myself gain it all back, plus some.  I felt good… looking back, I looked good… but I had it in my mind that I was supposed to lose another 30 lbs and I let that overwhelm me….
Today I learned that my body... bones, skin, muscle tissues and water... without any fat at all, would weigh 130 lbs, so it is not realistic that I should weigh 130 lbs.  My goal weight range is 163-172 which doesn’t feel like a big difference but it is…  It helps to know that the people who are helping me lose my weight want me to be healthy, not waste away.  It helps to know that I was once where I need to be and I know that I can get there again, because I did it!  And this time I won’t feel defeated when I get to where I should be, because nobody else will try to tell me that I should lose more.  I am looking forward to this journey to wellness!



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