Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

24 December 2010

Baby Steps

Today I was feeling good about myself as I made rounds through the hospital and multiple people commented that they didn't recognize me... It made me smile... not only because I like that the change is beginning to be noticeable, but also because I know that means people are going to get a chance to know the me that I know... the me that has been hidden behind the excess baggage that I have been carrying around for so long.  The me that laughs a lot more and gets silly a lot more... that lets down my guard instead of trying to bury my head in the sand... that isn't afraid to bloom in the sunlight.
I got silly today and took some pictures of myself to see if I could really tell... to try to see myself the way other people see me... I could tell and it made me giggle!
Watch out! This me... the one under the hide... is not the awkward girl in the corner... I'm still an introvert but I'm not scared anymore.  I hope the people who have only known the old me will give the new me a chance... but I know it will take some bravery and initiative on my part. 

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