Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

06 April 2011

Wake Up Wednesday

So I went to Medi yesterday to get what I thought would be my last mid-week injection and to "break up" with them, and I was very sad about it!  Medi has transformed me and the women there have been so supportive and encouraging along the way.  I have experienced not only a physical transformation but emotional and mental transformation as well and I think that while I have been playing with the idea of transitioning to Weight Watchers, I was resistant because I was battling anticipatory grief and I felt like i wasn't being faithful... But as I should have known, the women there were so incredibly wonderful.  They totally understood what I needed and why I need a change and agreed that it would be a healthy change right now and it affirmed for me that not only do I know my body and can I trust myself to know what its telling me, but also it affirmed how invested they really are in me and in my weight loss journey.  So, we talked about the "Wellness Phase" which is generally for people who have reached their goal and are ready for maintenance... of which I have not and am not... but they are still going to allow me to transition into that phase, which means I can still come in once a week for my shots, and once a month for my weigh-ins and vitals... and instead of costing me $80 a week, it will only cost $35 a month.  So between this, in tandem with my transition onto the Weight Watchers plan and my weekly meetings/weigh-ins there, I really believe that I will be taking this journey to the next level.  I got myself back to the gym yesterday... and rode my bicycle there and around the neighborhood also... I feel better and I am getting OCD about planning and tracking my meals.
This morning I had a Whole Grain English Muffin with one serving of PB2 and a dash of honey, and a Strawberry Banana Protein Smoothie, for a total of 7 points. It was so delicious, so filling and so satisfying! I feel like a new person today. 
Last night I had 4 oz Barilla Plus pasta and 6 oz of shrimp for dinner for a total of 15 points but it was totally worth it!  I have so missed pasta!
The best part is... I saw a number on the scale this morning that I have never seen... or at least not in the past 5 years.  So I know this is already a good thing!
The most interesting piece of this is how much I have noticed a difference in my level of anxiety... I recognize that I have made a few life changes that are probably affecting that... I do believe that this is refreshing me and giving me some new life and some peace.  I think I finally feel like I have control over my body again instead of it controlling me, so I am celebrating that today!  I have felt a little like a zombie the past several weeks and today, I really feel awake and it feels good...

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading some about PB2...where do you purchase it? At a store or on-line? Glad you are feeling less sounds like things are all falling into place :) You need to post a recent pic soon too!!!

    PS- check out my blog...your parents got a shout out on it ;)
