Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

28 August 2012


So today was my week 1 weigh-in and I lost 8.9.
I'll admit, it was a bad week to start because, months ago, we made reservations for restaurant week at Del Frisco's with Sarah and Adrian... And I've never been to Del Frisco's so we weren't about to cancel and you can't not have the full experience. I didn't overdo it, but I didn't eat only protein either, so I fell out of ketosis. And Saturday I walked 3+ miles with Dory and didn't increase my caloric intake so (apparently) my body went into starvation mode... And they saw that in my numbers before i even told her about the walk... but 8.9 is good. And I'll do week 1 again this week and get off to a better start. I feel good about my week and the 8.9 lb loss! This week will be even better!

22 August 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday

Yesterday morning when I woke up, I was really dragging. I could barely force myself out of bed an hour after I had intended on getting moving and it really took a lot to get going. This morning, I woke up to Tigre meowing for breakfast and Dory whining to go outside at 5:54... which is Dory's chosen time to go out every morning... and I wasn't groggy at all, after I took Dory out I laid in bed with her for another 45 min but I wasn't sleepy... I got up, I got ready and I was out the door, feeling good and energetic. 
AND.... I know you aren't supposed to get on the scale throughout the week because it can be discouraging and disillusioning and all that... but I did it anyway... and DANG GINA... I am so glad I did... Even though I know that a lot of the loss was water weight, it is still extremely motivating... because I had already lost 6.9 lbs in just one day... That will help me make it through one more day!

21 August 2012

Medi: Part II

So I went back to Medi yesterday and I'm starting all over again... since I know that it works, as long as I follow the program... it seemed like the best way to tackle this demon.
It's expenisve and I am not sure how long I will be able to afford it, but I figure if that isn't motivation to make it work, then I am in trouble anyway.
So far, today, I am doing well.  I'm drinking my water. I had a protein shake and a hard boiled egg for breakfast; a protein shake and a mini baby bell for lunch; and I plan on having tilapia for dinner.  I am hungry and have a but of a headache but I knew that would be the case... and at least for the first week, it will only get worse.  Then next week, it will start to get better until I start to feel good.
Last Friday I went to my first Spiritual Direction session, and I am excited about beginning a new journey to wholeness, which means spiritual, emotional and pysical health. My jounrey is to rediscover the authentic Megan... who is Brave, Bold, Healthy, Joyful and Trusting.  There are so many goals that I want in life and I need to be Brave, Bold, Healthy, Joyful and Trusting in order to reach them.
So I am looking forward to this new journey and will need a lot of accountability!