Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

25 January 2011

All Cried Out

I'm starting to feel like the "Boy who cried wolf" with this "I lost fat but I gained water" routine... this is the third week in a row that I have been majorly disappointed and today it was too much.  According to the (stupid) scale, over the last two weeks, I have LOST 10.8 lbs of FAT, GAINED 7.2 lbs of WATER, and GAINED 2.6 lbs of lean body mass... which nets out at only a 1 lb loss in 3 weeks, when I was used to 3, 4 and 5 lb a week losses... This week I lost 2 lbs of fat, gained 2 lbs of water, and gained 0.6 lbs of muscle mass... which means... a net gain of 0.6.  It's hard to explain what it feels like, to look at the scale and see a number that doesn't reflect the work you've done or the way you feel... My weight loss counselor could see and hear my disappointment and she tried everything to get me to hear that I had really lost... but I held it together... until I got in my car... and then I lost it... I cried harder than I've cried in quite a while... I don't even believe that stupid machine anymore... they swear up and down that its accurate and that I should be excited and feel good that I'm losing fat... but how can I ignore the total?
It was embarassing to make my weekly phone call to report that I gained and try to explain a magic scale that claims I actually lost what counts... I bawled all the way home and have just had a pity party all day long... Cedric was waiting for me at my house when I got home, and he tried his hardest to encourage me and remind me of the success I have already made... I know that he knows how hard I work and how important it is to me... and I know he was frustrated that I couldn't be comforted... but today I'm just sad!  Hopefully tomorrow I will pick myself up, wipe the tears and start over... but for tonight... I am learning how to have a non-indulgent pity party... no diet-cheating... no wine... just curled up on the couch with my Lillie watching The Biggest Loser... and trying to trust that tomorrow I will believe them and next week I will have a massive loss because I'll lose all this water and some...
I certainly cried enough today to lose at least a few pounds of water... I guess that's one way to "fix the problem."
I also made my appointment for 1:45 next week (the latest appt on Tues) so that I have time to go to the gym and sweat it out before I weigh in... I know that I set myself up at a disadvantage because I weigh-in right in the middle of the day, instead of first thing in the morning, but after my 28 hr shift on Tues is really the only time I can go - unless I switch to Friday mornings when i usually go in for my mid-week injection.  Maybe I should try that... then I would have a more true and consistent read.
Whatever... I'm just rambling now so I guess I ought to shut up.
Have a good night!


  1. Hey Megan,

    Not to sound too CPE on you...but do keep reminding yourself that this is a process and it will have an ebb and flow like any other process in life. My own weight loss is doing the same thing (although not as drastically as yours) but to know that i've worked out every day and still gained 1/2 a pound is very disheartening since I watch mine go down two tenths of a pound a week. Still, it's not all about the lost weight, it's about the life change. Hold your focus! You are doing such a great job and i'm so proud of you!
    Continued blessings for you!

  2. Hey Girlie! Don't let that scale get you down. This is an ongoing battle. You did not gain 3,4,5+ pounds a week and you should not expect to lose that much week after week. What you can not see on the scale, you can see in the mirror and in the clothes you've gotten rid of for being too big and the smaller ones you're wearing now. Lose fat, gain be it...don't lose sight of the big picture and never discount the progress you have made! So a week or two you don't feel victorious but it is the whole pick and choose your battles concept....Once in a while you might not be victorious in your weekly battle with the scale, but it is the fact that overall you're winning the war with your weight is what matters! You're doing great, don't forget it or let anyone tell you otherwise!
