Shedding My Hide...

Shedding My Hide...

18 January 2011

Refine Me

Well... I had a good week.  I stayed on top of my calories... I worked out... I got my body back into ketosis after a bad week... which I am pretty sure I can now chalk up to the cravings of Mother Nature!  I've felt better... I've had more energy... but my head has been killing me... I had what felt like a tension headache from last Tuesday through Thursday when I went to bed, and Friday woke up with my second migraine since I started Medi (which is an improvement to a minimum of one a month).  I had thought that maybe I had cured myself of the migraines... contributing it to the cayenne pepper in one of the supplements I take... but alas... I was wrong!  It took two Relpax to cure me Friday but after that I was good to go.  (Thinking back - it probably had something to do with the combination of Mother Nature and donating blood that day!)  Saturday morning I got up and went to the gym... and you've all read that blog.  I did great Sunday and yesterday as far as drinking water, eating well, and working out.  Yesterday I spent my lunch in the gym since I worked a 28 hour shift, making sure not to miss a day of getting some physical exercise beyond the regular running around the hospital that I usually do.  But all day yesterday, no matter what I took or how much water I drank, I still had a "tension headache" right in the base of my neck... Now I know my body and I know that particular headache is the result of one or both of two things.... stress and dehydration... but I was drinking plenty of fluids and there was no more stress than usual, and I could tell I was dehydrated.
Well, if the "magic scale" is right... I gotta find some way to hydrate myself more efficiently because I am retianing water but still dehydrated...  I can understand it last week, but it should be better now.
According to the scale, I lost 6 whole pounds of fat this week... but gained 3 more pounds of water and 1.2 pounds of lean body mass (which makes sense with the time I spent working out).... which means that I only lost a net of 1.8 pounds this week.  So I have now lost a total of 41 pounds in 15 weeks.  I know it's good and my counselors at Medi keep telling me that when you lose that much fat it leaves pockets that fill up with water and so supposedly, as long as I stay on the bandwagon this week, I should have a pretty significant water loss next week... but it feels like I am slowing down and that is not ok... I want to keep losing an average of 3 lbs a week.  I know that eventually it won't come off that fast, but I'm not even half-way done yet, so I'm not really trying to do this forever. 
On another note, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the emails and comments that I have gotten after my last blog.  I have had more responses to that one than probably all the others combined.  It was hard to write, because I was afraid that it would be misunderstood as angry or bitter, or the ten thousand other ways that it could have been misunderstood... but the emails have assured me that I wasn't lost in translation, and not only that, but that there are others who have been through similar experiences who appreciated my honesty.  I realize that living out loud the way I have chosen to do in this blog is risky, but I feel like I owe myself that... For the last three years of college, through that dreaded relationship I deprived myself of really living at all, and the years since then have been trying to heal and rebuild and basically stay afloat between work and school and attempting to engage my friends and family.  I am now at a place in my life where I deserve to shine a little and really embrace the transformations and accomplishments and blessings that I am claiming for myself.  It's like polishing silver... you gotta get messy and rub out all the spots that have developed over time from being neglected...
So, thanks for assuring me that it's safe to be authentic and for engaging me in this journey.

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